
Showing posts from February, 2020

Dialogue ?= Debug Log

I've been taking a serious look at dialogue. I've built dialogue systems before, and I had an idea as to how to approach it. But I also knew a problem I would face was trying to manage the shear amount of content. And while I felt good about the architecture in general, I had not come up with a visual concept I was happy with. So I did what has worked out well in the past. I asked questions, and ended with a great concept that is very fitting. Source: So I started asking questions. In my meetup group, RE: Game Dev, I asked to hear about other people's experience. I also searched for existing articles and tutorials, and came across a great one from the GDC, "Dialogue Systems in Double Fine Games".  This proved excellent, as I kept pausing and rethinking my decisions. But still ended up really close to my original intentions. That video was great, but it also referenced ...

I'm not dead. And I'm taking my code with me.

Its been a few weeks since my last post, so I just wanted to make sure anyone following is aware I haven't died, and neither has Codavore. But, I have had way too much going on. I'll get into that and what I've been silently completing (Unit test coverage). Source: I started a contract with Microsoft, so have 40 hours a week there. I'm interviewing for FT positions in Microsoft, Seattle and in several other countries including Spain, Canada, Denmark, France and Germany, which is easily adding about 20 more hours and calls at Midnight then 5 AM. And on top of that, my game dev group, REGameDev (Redmond Eastside Game Developers) is partnering with DigiPen to run a Game Jam. And then my locator class sprung a leak... So amidst all that, I am still working on the project, but it has hit a spot with no visible activities. The Locator Service is an integral part of the architecture, and specifically h...