Intro - Codavore Begins

I'm working on a game to learn C# programming through game play. It is styled after the cheeky Space Quest series, but with more control, such as getting to fly the ships.  There are typically 3 types of games out there for this genre.
  1. Visual Steppers - simple visual commands, like MoveForward, TurnLeft, PickUp, etc, are provided, and the user just needs to pick the right one.  While a few might extend it with non-visual items like loops, or pseudo functions, the premise is that its more about instructions than programming. 
  2. AI Programming - Several systems exist, where you take your programming knowledge and write simple (or complex) AI's to control a tank, or player, and compete against other AI's, or series of challenges. The problem is that these are not beginner friendly, and are more a fun way to challenge your existing knowledge as a programmer.
  3. Story Programming - I've seen several games that focus on normal code, like writing a function to get the highest value from an array.  It wraps this with a story or picture about how your star ship might crash, and it needs to know the highest peeks to avoid.  While these are often good tutorials, there really isn't any game play element. 
So this will provide real game play, where you get to play by actually using the things you programmed, such as controlling how a space ship flies.  I'll be posting more as I go.  

How can you get involved?
  1. Are you a Programmer (C#/Unity/Web)? Or perhaps an artist, modeler, designer, level designer, sound, musician, writer or play tester?  What ever it is, if you have interest, and feel you can contribute, please reach out to me at  
  2. Share out pictures and videos about its progress.  
  3. Send in suggestions.  
I'll plan to post regular updates about this.  For now, here are some screen shots of the art involved.  

- Au revoir!


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