Ship Layout

In order for the C# to have any real meaning in the game, it has to be affecting something.  In this case, we will be simulating engines and fuel tanks.  Imagine that you are flying along, minding your own business, when one of your engines sputters out, and only operates at 90% capacity.  Anytime you try to fly straight, it keeps turning you to the left.

So to fix it, you need to change the code to utilize the engines in balance.  To do that, we need a visual so we know what is available, such as the above example, where it shows the placement of the two thrusters (on the outside) and two fuel tanks (on the inside).  I intend for there to be lines indicating fuel pumps as well, so I'm experimenting with different line renderers for that.

But the key here, is that each item will be labelled and clickable for information.  I.e. Thruster[0] and Thruster[1]. Thruster[1] appears in perfect order and Thruster[0] will only be able to push 90% capacity.

So to fix this, you might change the following pseudo code:


Might become this:


To get the ship to fly straight, we can reduce Thruster[1] to also operate at 90%.  This slows the ship down, but it is easier to operate.  The flight map will help you to chart out the areas, and to show the damages in visual ways.  I'm looking into new things, and as always, I'm open to suggestion.


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