Pausing Parser, Continuing Compiler

Pause, Banner, Icon, Computer
source pixabay
So, the parser is not necessary for pretesting, but a proof of the in-game compiler is.

For the time being, I'm putting the parser on the back burner. I've posed a few questions online on where I can get more help, and suggestions for how to approach the challenges I've faced so far. I'm hoping to get some valuable results on reducing Roslyn to just its C# parser. But even if I cannot, for instance, if it also requires having Visual Studio installed to operate, I've already thought through how I will write my own parser. I really liked the structure of Roslyn's Syntax Tree, and basically plan to duplicate that functionality (with limitations).

The Compiler

So the compiler, is not just the compiler. I've already proved live compiling and execution in the Unity engine.  What I need to prove now, is the programming view. I.e. I need to create a test UI that lets me see the C# code, enter (or paste) code in, and then run it, to have an effect on the space ships flight.  I want to generate the original challenge: i.e. the left engine isn't operating at 100%, so you reduce the right engines output to compensate and fly strait. I'll need the UI, references to the object, and an easy way to recognize the issue and test it.

This time around, I'm not building a sustainable architecture, which this game will absolutely need. This is just the proof of concept round.  I want to produce trailer content as well.  Clips I can piece together to generate an initial showcase, while the real work begins in a brand new project. 

I *might* take a stab at the parser as well, because that is personally fun for me to write one.  I'll have to refresh myself as to reserved characters/words, but other than that, its really just a stream reader, deciding if we are entering a new word, white space, symbol, etc, and splitting those into simple objects with some mild definition of its meaning.

But I also have to fight that urge. That part feels fun, but again, not pivotal to the PoC, because I know it can be done.  What I need to focus on is the part I have the least mental preparedness for, and that is the UI and UX of being presented with a challenge and then writing the code (or selecting) to fix it.


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