PoC Phase Complete

Okay, so all the key tests are done, and now I can move on to phase 3, the real program. Phase 1 was brain storming. Once it had an outcome of interest defined, the next phase was to figure out key missing knowledge to prepare for actual development (PoC's). That was the phase that just ended. I needed Proof of Concepts. Such as the 2D Physics based rocket system, the fuel line interactions, the dynamic MonoBehaviour attachment, and some initial draft of how the coding system will run/be generated.  
Concept, Man, Papers, Person, Plan, Planning, Research
source https://pixabay.com/photos/concept-man-papers-person-plan-1868728/

But now, I've moved onto actually building the real product. For this part, I need to settle down on architectural needs. I tend to strongly oppose putting a heavy architecture in place, but ignoring it is a sure fire way to over complicate everything. So I'm looking at things that absolutely need it, and how I will approach it.  

To begin with, I'm planning to build a C# IDE in game.  That means the parser needs to run, I need formatting, coloring and intellisense. So, I'll be creating a project that will depend on reflection and the parser to gather information on current code members. I'll probably try to release that separately on the asset store.

But then I also went through a few tests of how the ship will move, how the parts will connect, and how code will have to adapt to them. There is a physical later that the code will interact with the ship. That "physical" components are referenceable, and that the connections between them, such as fuel lines, are also referenceable in code. Additionally, I need to detect uses of potentially dangerous classes, methods and even namespaces, such as System.Io.File and command execution, or even network ability.  

And that's not even the game play.  Now for the real work.


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