
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to Setup a Multi-Scene Unity Project for Startup

Scene loading played an important role in this, and I believe my approach is pretty sound and proven highly useful. Let me know what you think, and what ideas you tend to apply for handling this. When developing in a multi scene project in Unity, one of the most annoying things I've worked with in the past, is the need to boot into the right place. I've worked with and developed dozens of different approaches, most of which falling into custom menu options, or resetting the default loading scene. I want to share a solution I had that is simple, small, and has worked great. General Overview Codavore is broken into several scenes BootStrap, Ui and Level/Scene/Room. Boot Strap guarantees the order of several things like my service locator and a few others. Next there is the Ui, which contains the menus and such. And finally, we have the scene with the content for the game I'm on. There is a fourth, "DontDestroyOnLoad" where Unity puts all its don't destroy object...

Debug Log

  I spent a while working on the debug log, getting the visuals just right, only to decide that the concept really didn't work. Dialogue and Debug don't mix well. 😞 This article will be based more around design decisions than any code.  One thing was that it was hard to discern which message was important, or if a new one popped up. If I added some slide animations, and ingress/egress animations, it would have been easier to follow, but I was also taking up a lot of real estate for something that wasn't needed. I.e. in most cases, we don't care what was said, just what is being  said. Instead, I'll keep dialogue in the present. I'm planning to recreate the dialogue system, retaining much of the old code for it, but with only one or two messages open at a time. I.e. When you have options in front of you, I believe I'll keep the previous message, such as the ducky asking a question, visible on the screen, as a memory aid. Back to work!